Saturday 21 January 2017

2017 Goals and Resolutions?

As I mentioned in my last post I have a lot of things I want to change going forward in 2017.

I've started making a list of some goals and things I want to achieve over this year and going forward in my life. Honestly each year I say I want to be more organized, last year proved to be a busy year with lots of appointments and things to keep track of as I was weaning off my meds. I decided for 2017 I should try using a planner so that I can keep track of all my appointments because I have a bad habit of double booking them. The planner I bought for this is the Happy Planner, you can buy them at Michael's I really like all the space for writing in it and I also really like how there is a monthly overview page where you can write things you are Loving that month.
                                                                 (picture found online)

(starting to plan and decorate)

I was very negative last year, I completely let being diagnosed with a kidney disease take over my entire life. I let it make me feel like I would never get back to who I was before. It made me feel guilty that I couldn't do the things that I used to. So this year I planned that I would be more positive in my life. I have always believed that if you are positive about the things you want in your life then those things will happen to you. So after such a negative year; this is the year I'm going to make shit happen!

I want to make more time for myself. I want to designate time to do things I've always wanted to do but never made the time or pushed myself to do. Some of the things I want to do during "me" time is read more, I always love reading and go through phases where I will read 5 or 6 books and then I take an extended break from reading. I also am typically an early riser so as I get back into my work routine I want to be waking up about a half hour earlier than usual so that I can make time to do yoga, or mediate a couple of times a week and dedicate the other days to my blog, and writing posts.

Another thing I want to do this year and hopefully carry on into the future is try more recipes, and not just baking recipes... I really like to try and create my own recipes for both meals and desserts. I'd ideally like to put together a book of all my favourite recipe creations so I can have a collection of them.
Having a diagnosis of a "non-cureable" disease that affects your every day life, is something that really wakes you up. It really makes you want to focus on your health and do "all the right things" while still having fun and living your life. It has really made me want to be more active, eat better( but still eat cake too!), and look after my mental health and most importantly remember that it is okay to not be perfect and to have flaws, and that you can't do everything yourself no matter how much you try and be prepared. You will still need to lean on those that love you and get help from them every once and awhile!

My last goal I have set for 2017 is to finally make a YouTube video, this has been something I have been throwing around for the last few years. I enjoy making things, doing make up, trying new products and baking so I want to start making tutorials and review videos. I don't want to be intimidated by it anymore, and remind myself that the worse thing that can happen is that no one watches them, which isn't that bad because I will be no worse off and I would have still had the fun and excitement of creating the videos!


  1. 2017 is going to be a positive and productive year for you!!!! oh...and I need to check out that video...I don't know if I watched it or not!!!...Love ya!!!

  2. Yes! 2017 is going to be a good year for the both of us!! :) You should check it out! it's not that fancy... but I plan to improve my videoing skills!!!
